Banaras, A Mystic Love Story

Banaras is not a destination its a journey of our lives. If you go to watch this movie for a ready-made solution or only to "kill" two hours, you may get disappointed. Banaras is aimed to create a thirst for something one is generally uncomfortable to explore.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The "mad" science Professor and Babaji ...contd.

In response to Prof. Karandikar's question as to how are the distant quantum particles able to communicate instantly.... Babaji says:

"Every particle of the creation in connected with each other as there is no boundary present anywhere. The boundaries are only in our mind. That which we are able to understand becomes science........"

Let us take this statement and compare to what famous quantum physicist David Bohm( a contemporary of Einstein and his associate) has to say on the subject:

" The central underlying theme of Bohm's theory is the "unbroken wholeness of the totality of existence as an undivided flowing movement without borders."

Bohm believes that this "hiddeness" may be reflective of a deeper dimension of reality. He maintains that space and time might actually be derived from an even deeper level of objective reality. This reality he calls the Implicate Order. Within the Implicate Order everything is connected; and, in theory, any individual element could reveal information about every other element in the universe

Science is needed for progress of mankind and must be pursued relentlessly. However philosophy, mysticism and scripture must not be seen in a confrontational manner and be viewed as new sources of un-verified possible "truths".


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